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Justin Timberlake Hates Denim

 Buster Timberlake says the internet won't let him forget that time he and Britney Spears wore denim outfits to the American Music Awards in 2001...

'I confess that there was maybe a period in the ’90s where I could skip over some of the outfits that were public, but the internet will never.'  

Denim on denim on denim on denim that will never be forgotten,' John (Legend) chimed in, as Justin responded: 'Thanks, John. Uh, no, the internet won't allow me to forget them. So it's all good.'

 Who fucking cares, Britney looked GREAT, what else matters. I can't even find the picture of the two of them together anymore. Is Rusty Timberlake even still famous? Fuck that guy. You're lucky anyone even still talks about you Dustin, or whatever your name is. 

Don't listen to them Britney, I bet that dress still fits you like a glove. Why not bring it over? I LOVE denim, I have some denim stuff too it'll be fun!

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