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Ready to Rock and Roll All Over Again

I was looking forward to this blog post, to put across how it feels to have one complete feature film all finished and ready to go. Where you could hand someone a DVD and say, 'Hey man, check this out' without having to warn/remind them that there's still some sound issues, a pick up shot or two to put in there, you're unsure about an edit/temporal placement, and then hope they they'll enjoy it.

It's all done and dusted, 15 screener DVDs already burned and sitting on my disc, awaiting final Press Kit and Poster changes before sending out.

Or so I thought.

As was originally planned for Last Ride, a piece of equipment has finally been released, and has made for the decision to go back and do it all over again. That piece of equipment is of course, the 3D camera rig!

Been looking through some of the footage these suckers can shoot on 3D and to say that I'm excited is an understatement. Hopefully will have my hands on the gear by next week so I can get out and do a whole bunch of 3D test shoots.

While Last Ride works well right now as it is, I can see where there is room for improvement, so going out for another take wouldn't hurt anyway, throwing an extra dimension in there is the icing on the cake.

So, we'll be looking to schedule a reshoot in about 5-6 weeks time, and in the meantime try and see if we'll shoot the next feature before or after.

While I'm looking forward to getting together with the cast of Last Ride and getting out there once more, I must say there is some level of anxiety in going out to re-shoot. That anxiety comes from working so hard to get this film together, risking so much and giving it all our best shot, all to come down to the randomness of an 80 minute take, where so many different things could (and do) happen that are unexpected and unprepared for.

This anxiety is probably best shown by this video below, which is the length of tape from when I rolled the camera until I called action, and all I could think about was that it was our last scheduled shoot day, storm clouds were rolling in, 6 months of preparation and it was all down to what would play out before me in the next 80 minutes....

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