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Voltron Ghost Arks: WIP

Magnetized, built, primed and ready for lighting. 

The tubing seen in the center of the model is cut from the same pipe drain snake I used for my Triarch Stalker legs.  I found that cutting the galvanized steel took far too long.  I eventually used a vise to hold the snake in place, and simply bent the steel back and forth at a right angle. After about a minute of rigorous bending, the heat created by the friction would almost melt the steel apart.  This saved me quite a few hacksaw blades!

The Necron Lord is not just included for scale:  The Lord's base is magnetized, to hold him in place on the "Command Platform". 

Here are the other three Ghost Arks.  You can see one of the bases in the lower right of the screen.  The coffins are mounted so they hover just off of the ground, like a landspeeder on Tatooine.

My plan here, is to lace a string of 15 LED lights along the bottom of the inside of each casket.  Naturally, I built the models to open on a rear hinge for this purpose.  After switching on the LED lights, I can then fill the coffin with green glass beads, to provide an otherworldly glow.  Once the glass beads arrive from the online store, I will have some necron disco pics to share.  Now for the atmosphere...

There is space in one of the coffins for an ipod touch, which can sound fairly decent with the speaker maxed out.  The only thing still uncertain, is the playlist.  At the moment, I have a collection of music picked out featuring 80's video game chiptunes like this:

Contrary to popular belief, Necrons aren't alien mummies.

Necrons are space invaders.

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