All of these magician lodges are active in Mlejnas, some more widely across Tlön. Although I (or others?) may turn some into GLOG wizards at some point, they’re meant to be easily implemented with common classes across editions.
Janissary Lodges
Of the various magician lodges of Tlön, Janissary Lodges are personal possessions of the state (in this case, the senatorial government of Mlejnas,) as are their members. The conditions of their servitude are given by the lodge charter and oath of service, both ancient, and in practice the lodges regard themselves as powers equal to the senatorial families, their charter with the state rather than any individual family ensuring their independence, proud of their status as skilled elites. For all that, to serve in either is to live a short life of obedience into an inevitable painful death. Peasant youth doing their service years in the city may be assigned as adjuncts to Janissary Lodges, but actually joining is voluntary.
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