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Five Minutes At A Time Part Four

Reviews have been a bit slow for me this month. I've had a lot to do with work so far, so haven't had as much free time as I would like. At least with a game that I play, I don't have to control everything so I can do that while working on reports and such for work. Not that I have had much time to play it either. On the plus side of things, spring is slowing coming in! Still getting some cold mornings, but usually they turn into nice days. I even mowed for the first time this year this week. Anyway, I did manage to get around to Tales Of Terror From Tokyo Volume 3 Part Two.

This review will likely be shorter than the others in this series, mostly because there isn't much about it that I haven't said in the others. Once again we are treated to roughly a 5 minute shorts. This one was a little longer than the previous disc though for whatever reason. The stories range in what type of horror it is again, but most have something to do with the supernatural usually.

Even though there was more shorts this time around, I was pretty disappointed in damn near all of them. Some started off in an interesting way, but never ended that way. There was a handful possibly that I forgave the ending for. Either it was end suddenly, or in such a strange way that it left me scratching my head trying to figure out how the ending fit. There are the ones I just didn't care for at all. Maybe I was just getting bored with the whole five minute thing. I don't mind the concept really, but four discs worth is a lot to sit through. I'm not that big on short films anyway, they are a pain to write reviews for mostly, and ton of five minute shorts just makes it that much harder.

There wasn't anything that I recall for special effects. Considering that all these shorts were made for TV, I can understand not wanting to spend much on effects, or just looking for stories that can be done without, or very little effects. The acting wasn't too bad. Even though there didn't seem to be any stories that were connected, I did notice that one actress was in three of the shorts. I don't think, though I could be wrong, this has happened in the previous discs. I may not have noticed this time around if it wasn't for the fact that it was also the same character as well. At least according to the subtitles it was.

One of the shorts stands out in my mind above all the others. This one had to do with a music box. When it starts to play, the two listening to it start to hear noises in the house above them that appear to be heading to the stairs. When the music stops, so does the noises. It was an interesting story. Oddly enough, this one of three in which the above character I talked about appears in. I'm actually glad to be moving on from this series. It wasn't a good way to end it, not that there is an actual series here. Again, if you are into short films, this is a great way to get your fix in. I wouldn't go out of my way to get this specific disc again, but maybe some of you would like it better.
2 out of 5 I'm glad I don't have a music box!

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