This week started off slow on Sunday, then it picked up really fast on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday dropped to a very sad/low point and I decided to use some of my powers to attract some more excitement/auditions for the rest of the week. I got exactly what I wanted on Thursday and Friday. They were both eventful days, then Saturday was back to dull.
Now, I already know everyday isn't always going to be exciting. That's not the issue I've discovered. It is only the 2nd week of the year and I've been contacted by my agent a multitude of times for auditions. They are really pulling through and are excited about this year for me. As you scroll below you will read a briefing about the auditions I've had. The real issues is that I'm really not doing very well at the auditions. I'm my own critic and I have to be honest and say that my audition performances have sucked.
I'm getting the auditions now and I'm sure that there will be plenty more coming my way in the near future. This is exactly what I asked for. Now I just have to figure out how to make an impact at these auditions. So far my reading is terrible and I'm not capturing the essence of the part. I probably wouldn't pick myself either at this point if I was the casting director. Overall, I have to just get better.
How am I going to get better? I have to shift my focus away from attending an whole bunch of auditions and steadily work on my craft. Which is why I have joined two improvisation classes. One class on Monday's and the other on Thursday's. Both were really great. Around September of 2009, while in Tampa, I paid to attend a acting class for about a month but I sat there and mainly did not participate much. The reason was because the teacher talked too much and she never made enough time for everyone to do the activities. It was like a battle to perform, I don't think we should have to battle for that. The two classes I'm now attending has much less talking and everyone gets a chance to participate in rotation. I must admit I love it. Even better they both are free.
Proof to you how serious I am about these improvisation classes is I've turned down the opportunity to be in a music video called "Take Me Home Tonight." Its cool to get phone calls from my people in Tampa that they seen me in a music videos but I didn't come to LA just to be in music videos. I'm here to book big auditions among others things.
Day 112 = Sunday, January 9, 2011
* I did some running in hopes of playing some basketball. I found two courts but no competition.
* Nothing significant to report.
Day 113 = Monday, January 10, 2010
* I attempted to get a 7 day free pass at a local gym but they wouldn't allow me in because I had a Florida license. So in stead I walked into a local hotel and just used their gym to work out.
* Received a notice from my agent for big 2 auditions tomorrow. You can hear the excitement from my agent(s) in their voice.
* I'm on a energy high. I'm feeling good and confidence is sky high... I'm walking like I got money again.
* I attended my first improvisation class and really enjoyed it. It was fun comfortable and funny. The exercises was appealing and I didn't waste anytime to jump in. There are about 100 people in the class and directed by Chris Berube. The name of his company is The Berubians Theatre Company. The class is every Monday and I plan on attending as many as I can.
Day 114 = Tuesday, January 11, 2011
* My first audition of the day was at Warner Brothers Studios. I knew about it yesterday but it wasn't completely confirmed until late this morning. There was no way I would of made it there on my own but thankfully my wonderful agent picked me up at a central location and dropped me off at the studio. How great is that? I believe the audition was for a role on a remake of a Cinderella movie. It wasn't a perfect audition but I incorporated some improv for the first time since I've been in LA (Inspired by day 111) and I made them laugh an additional 3 times. I left with confident because I could gauge that I'm getting better. I'm not there yet but I'm getting better.
* My next audition was at Fox studios. Upon arriving there two cool things happened. First I arrived at the spot for the audition I saw a tall guy and standing next to what seemed to look like a clip board. I approached him thinking I had to sign in next to him and we ended up introducing ourselves. We shook hands, he told me his was Teck Holmes and I told him mine. One second later he said, "Oh, Motown from Ybor City. I know about you... I read your blog... Keep doing what your doing." I said, thank you and I said him how long him been in California. He told me he's been here for 10 years, chatted for a few more seconds then he told me where to sign in.
As I'm signing in, my mind is trying to connect the dots on exactly how he knew me. I thought maybe he's from Tampa but... I approached he again and asked how he heard of me and he said just randomly stumbled upon my blog and read up on me. How erratic is that? I never met this guy before but he ran into my blog and noticed me at an audition. Wow!
About 15mins later I noticed someone I never met before but he had a notable face from television. Singer/Actor Marques Houston was approaching my direction. Then I immediately realized that he signed in the same place I did. I was pretty impressed that he was auditioning for the same part I was. I'm moving on up. We made eye contact a few curious times from a distance but there was no verbal interaction.
I didn't do that great at this audition in my opinion but you live and you learn. As I was leaving I saw Marques Houston outside waiting, shook his hand, told him good luck/I like his work and walked off. In response he smiled and said, "thank you." I thought maybe I should of gave him one of my fliers but whenever I see a celebrity I always figure I'll meet them again.
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Marques Houston auditions for the same part with Motown Maurice |
* On the way home I noticed a young man probably in high school with a very tall high top fade on the bus. I figured this would be a test for me to see if my high top is back and noticeable again. He didn't notice me at first but when his friend walked they were both pointing. The young man said I was the 2nd person he noticed with one. He's about the 2nd or 3rd person I noticed also.
Day 115 = Wednesday, January 12, 2011
* At improvisation class on Monday, the teacher named a list of plays that is showcased everyday of the week. My friend Cassandra told me she was going to audition for the Vampire Masquerade. I thought I should go and watch. As busy as I was, I figured I might not have time for rehearsals. When Wednesday arrived Cassandra couldn't make it and I ended up being placed in an audition group. I didn't really come with the intentions to audition but what the hell.
When my group walked in the teacher/director asked for head shots and resume. Since I didn't have that with me so I gave me a flier. A few moments later he asked if I had my own late night talk show. I said, "I did in Florida but now I"m on a quest to get it back, nationally." He said, maybe we can get a late night talk show going here."
On Monday day he did talk about the opportunity for actors to create their own theatrical shows and will do what ever he can to support them. (Everyone all together with me, "Hmmmmmmmm, very interesting.")
The audition was short and simple. When the lights were red we acted with no talking and when the lights changed to blue we added talking. In both lights we were acting like vampires. It all took place in less than a min. I probably said one line and didn't do much. He said if you made it he'll give us a call and I left.
Day 116 = Thursday, January 13, 2011
After such a great Tuesday and Wednesday things began to slow down again today. Since I didn't want that to happen so soon I decided to draw out my powers and summon another audition.
* I later got a text for an audition for a Toyota internet commercial for Friday and I was casted for the Vampire Masquerade.
* I also started Monkey Butler Comedy Improv class. This group was much smaller then the group on Monday and it was great. There was a lot of more time to interact and execute the activities. I'm looking forward to coming back.
Day 117 = Friday, January 14, 2011
* I started my day with a healthy work out got another audition. The last few auditions come in after I decided to focus my on the auditions. After this one I decided maybe I shouldn't be too greedy with my powers. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a linkage to working out and being positive to for all these great opportunities coming my way.
* Now I had to face to challenge of figuring out how to make auditions in one day. Lucky they were right across the street from each other. I mean literally across the street from each other. I even transported back and from one audition to another to avoid the long lines.
The Toyota audition was wack. I had to pretend like I was playing an air guitar and I did terrible. My mind was more focused on the other audition. The other audition was for a Hispanic show that needed a black guy as a best friend. This would of been a great opportunity because they would of shot it in Miami, FL for 6 weeks. Well, I messed up my chances. I know the part didn't require that I spoke alot of Spanish but my character was the type that fitted in even thought he didn't know much.
On my script there was a few sections with Spanish. I still thought I had to read it. On the way there to the location I found Spanish lady on her lunch break and asked her to help me. She had no problem doing so. It was a lot so I pulled out my phone and recorded our voices. I spent a lot of time trying to learn out to pronounce those words.
On my script there was a few sections with Spanish. I still thought I had to read it. On the way there to the location I found Spanish lady on her lunch break and asked her to help me. She had no problem doing so. It was a lot so I pulled out my phone and recorded our voices. I spent a lot of time trying to learn out to pronounce those words.
As soon as my audition come up I stared speaking Spanish at the first section and I was cut off. It wasn't something I had to learn. It was there only for caption. I started over and I'm sure the rest of the audition was terrible in their eyes.
* Among both auditions I was suppose to be at my first Vampire Masquerade audition at 3pm. I was so late. I arrived at 5pm. The director was cool and said I could come on Monday.
Day 118 = Saturday, January 15, 2011
* I had an audition for some type of musical PSA audition but I arrived at an bunch of unorganized chaos. I ended up leaving.
* The call for the music video invite came today but I turned it down the following day.
Notable mentions
* On Monday my mom told me how sneaky the dealership was, changed her a whole bunch of unnecessary changes and that they didn't give close to the amount promised for my truck's trade it. I can't wait for the day when I can just pay for everything in cash. I hate these rip off dealerships.
* My face has been looking smooth and nice. Since I arrived to LA I've had a few bad cases of razor bumps. It was hard readjusting after growing a beard for 5 months. Hence, my usage of 100% Virgin Olive Oil as my moisturizer has been working.
Final Thoughts
I took a few extra days to publish this post. Sometimes I do that because I'm overwhelmed with things to accomplished or because of lack of energy and motivation. Lack of energy and motivation towards the end of this week is the culprit for this late post. I"m currently writing this post during mid week 18 and lets just say this week hit and confirmed a few home runs of disappointment. I won't say anymore but I suggest you get ready for the next few posts. Yup. The disappointment(s) will be coming in a series of post.
As the quest continues...
The Future of Late Night
Motown Maurice
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