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Ireland Baldwin : ' Being a model is harder than I thought '

The daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger Ireland continues to talk about himself in interviews with various materials: used in the pages of ELLE we learned about how she relates to her appearance , and now have the opportunity to meet with aspiring model closer to the new issue of DuJour Magazine.

In a conversation with a reporter girl prizanalas that having a business model seemed to her before a simple affair :

I decided to become a model about two years ago. I had to work with many agents before meeting the right . To be honest, the model proved to be much more complicated than I thought before. This profession requires a lot of effort. On the other hand, thanks to it you meet with terrific people .

Although modeling career girl is now gaining momentum, it emphasizes that the ultimate goal for her is still movie :

I want to be actress , screenwriter and director. This is something that I aspire to . I love to be in the frame and behind the camera : I am an early age she loved to imitate people, and watching movies with my parents , I always wanted to be in their place . Cool would it be to make a comedy or a film adaptation of some of the classic novel .

As for the people who admire Baldwin , she noted several well-known actors :

I admire Chloe Moretz, she was cool and in my opinion , she was able to cope with any role . I really like Jack Nicholson . My favorite films with his participation " One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest " and " Shine" . This is generally one of my favorite paintings .

And at the end of the interview Ireland wished readers and beginning models and actresses in particular to pay less attention to the criticism :

I would not want to read comments on my account intrenetu . If only I could ignore other people's opinions , and simply reflect the negativity in my address .

Hopefully, after watching the new " Scottish " photo shoot for Ayrlend DuJour Magazine by detractors girls be lowered , and the number of fans - on the contrary increase. View

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